Grand Designs For Cumbria

Two “Grand Designs” style houses have gained planning permission in Appleby-in-Westmorland, Cumbria.

Set in the tranquil surroundings of local woodland, the homes have been designed to be energy efficient and make the most of their stunning location. The buildings have been designed by Revolution Architecture, part of the Prospus Group, and are situated on plots that have been hidden from view for years.

The project will bring to life a former red sandstone quarry last used in the 1780s with direct access off Bongate and provide a unique opportunity for development, providing exceptional housing right in the heart of Appleby.

Phil Graham, Director of Revolution Architecture and designer of the homes said;

“Our aim is to bring contemporary and environmentally conscious designs to clients in Cumbria and beyond and this recent development represents a unique opportunity to build a stunning home in one of the most highly sought-after towns in Cumbria with views of Appleby Castle.”

In the Council’s planning report, Case Officer Mat Wilson wrote:

“The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that great weight should be given to outstanding or innovative designs that promote high levels of sustainability or help raise the standard of design more generally in an area. These dwellings incorporate architectural qualities rarely seen within the District and we welcome the innovative design approach.”

Commenting on the latest win for the Prospus team Tom Woof, Director said;

“This site has proved quite tricky from a planning point of view. The previous owner of these plots tried a couple of times to gain planning consent and failed to make the most of the site’s potential. Our approach has been to celebrate the natural beauty of the area and its woodland, developing designs that complement and open up these spaces.

“The site lies within the Appleby Conservation Area which imposes additional constraints upon any development that may change its character. These development proposals will allow a greater public understanding of the area’s heritage and its significance.”

The Appleby plots are about to go on the market, so if you fancy taking forward your own Grand Designs style project, contact the team at Prospus on 01228 900949 or email